Wednesday, June 5, 2024

A Birthday Card for the Double D Challenge.....

Good morning my friends.  Don't faint.. it is well and truly me back with a new card I have made for a friend and also to enter in the Double D Challenge.  Things have been a little crazy around here with lots of yard work and housework and dog work etc...  You know the drill and since it's just me here it all lands in my lap.  Just about the time I have it all under control it starts to rain again.  I'm really trying not to whine but my craft time is almost zero!

I had a friend's blog pop up in my side bar this morning and she reminded me I should enter the new challenge over at  Double D Challenges.  The theme this time is:  Pick three ..... Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed or Blue

My card has Something Old, Something New, and Blue.  The old is  paper from the Heartfelt Creations Wilderness Retreat Collection.  The New is the string and the paper is blue.  I just love this sweet little bunny and the card is a new to me fancy fold with the corner pocket.  The tag opens up and you can write a sentiment inside.  I love being able to write something personal inside my cards.


Diane said...

What a fabulously created card, one of my favorite fancy folds, all your details came together so beautifully!! I hear you on all the summer work, in and out, it's just me and the hubby but we have a BIG property to take care of and we're OLD LOL!!
Thank you for joining our challenge at Double D!
Diane DD Co-Owner
{Nellies Nest}
{Double D}

Leslie Miller said...

I absolutely love this, Glenda! The outdoor theme is very appealing to me. I've been seeing some pocket cards recently and am reminded how much fun I used to have with them. I don't know if this one is different, but I love the idea that the tag opens up. I hear you about the busyness. Rich doesn't do as much as he used to, so it's more and more on me. Hey, it helps keep us young... maybe. I love seeing your beautiful card at Double D, Glenda. Thanks for playing along!

Barbara said...

I enjoyed this fancy fold with that beautiful Tag tucked in. I see that sweet bunny too. Just a splendid card! Thank you for sharing it with us at Double D Challenge.