Monday, May 13, 2024

Hello Friend...

Hello friends and welcome!  Today I'm here to share a little card to just say hello!  I always love to send this kind of card to my family and friends and it is a good one to go to the nursing home as well.  It is not very heavy or thick and should go nicely with just one first class stamp.  I have gotten so I save the cards that have very dimensional flowers on them and send them on special occasions only.  It's hard for me to spend almost $5.00 to mail a card! 

I'm also going to enter this in the Can You Handle The Pressure Challenge.  I love playing along in this one as it allows me to use some of my embossing folders.  

I used the Altenew Decorative Florals 3D embossing folder and colored with a Soft Pale Pastel chalk. The centers of the flowers and the leaves are pale green and the flower petals are pale pink.  I think it is so soft and pretty.  It did not photograph well and is much more lovely in person.  So here again I'm showing how lacking I am when it comes to photography!  The Sentiment is from Heartfelt Creations and it is perfect for what the card needs to say.  


Leslie Miller said...

What a beautiful embossing folder! You sure do have some pretty ones and I love to see them. The soft color is just right for this lovely design. Just to say "hello" is one of the best reasons to send a card!

Vickie Y said...

Beautiful; love the soft pastel. Thank you for sharing with us at CYHTP Embossing Folder Challenge.