Well, It is almost here...the time for shopping, wrapping and cooking and giving and did I say shopping? Whew!!! I don't think I have the energy that I need for this....Usually, I already have most everything purchased and hidden away, but this year it just isn't happening. I have some things, however, I must get busy if I am going to get everything finished. I love the holidays, but I find that I am slowing and marching to a different drummer now. I just cannot keep up the pace anymore. My grandchildren are getting older and no longer want a tickle me elmo and now it is blackberries and electronic games and lots of clothes and I get tired just thinking about it. Well I guess I might as well suck it up and jump right in and get busy with the Holiday Season. I need to complete some projects instead of just dreaming about them. I am hoping to have some pictures soon to show you. I have been decorating paint buckets, to hide goodies in. Yes paint buckets! They are so cute I can't wait to share with you. Well its still too early to get to moving yet its only 3:35 AM and no one else is up yet.
Oh yes the picture is a cookie tin that I have altered and placed a Spellbinder Snow flake on top. Pretty simple....Sorry for the terrible picture ... I'm still learning about my camera.
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