Wednesday, November 28, 2012

WOYWW #182

Where in the world have you guys been?  I've missed you so much.....Just kidding.  I have been missing in action these last several weeks, but I have been productive.  Getting started with a new design team does take me some time.  I'm a slow creator and don't do a card in an hour....sometimes it takes me 3 or 4 hours and I will lay it aside and come back to it later and that 3 or 4 hours can span a couple of days.  Anyway I'm back and I have missed you guys so very much!  I'm hoping to be around more in the coming weeks as I still find I'm totally addicted to WOYWW!  Now if you are new to my blog and don't know what I'm talking about, each week those of us who participate, take a picture of our work desk and post it to our blog as I'm doing now and then link the post to Julia Dunnit's blog.  That way we can visit each other and see what is going on with us.  So go on over to Julia's blog and have a look around.  We might just get you addicted too!

Not too messy...right?  Well I have been working on a couple of projects for the design team that I couldn't show.  Sorry!  But, as you can see, I really don't have a large space, so I have to try and keep it tidy or I can't find anything.  And isn't this a big advertisement for Coke?  I just needed a shot of caffeine an grabbed the first thing I saw. 
Well that's it for me this morning.   Come back a little later and I will have a post for Heartfelt Creations to show you!  Now I'm off to visit as many people as I can and play catch up!


Rita said...

Neat & Tidy desk space Glenda. Have a Good Day. Hugs Rita xx

Jacqui Chimes said...

Happy Wednesday - I'm not sure that desk counts as untidy really :-)) Jacqui #79

Annie said...

I wouldn't call your space's fab.
A x #42
ps would love you to 'like' us and share it with your friends [more info on my blog]

famfa said...

Nicely organised. Spottd th coke can straight away. This week I am working my way from the bottom of the list up (seeing as I am at th bottom)

The House of Bears said...

That's a nice neat work space. Love the product placement, you should see if they'll sponsor your blog. ;) we saw the coca cola truck on Monday, people were queuing to have their photos taken with it.

Words and Pictures said...

Lovely to hear you're busy with DT projects - congratulations on the spot... look forward to seeing what you create. Love the rack of glues and bottles and paints to the right - great to have them raised up like that. Happy WOYWW!
Alison x

okienurse said...

Great looking desk and I love the card on the Heartfelt Creations post! Thanks for visiting my desk and leaving such a nice comment. Have a great week! Vickie #3

BJ said...

I think you have been busy too! Thanks for visiting me today BJ#7

Nan G said...

Welcome back! You got me hooked on woywwing and I've missed seeing your name in the links! Loving your HC projects! Happy WOYWW! Nan 114

Di said...

Crumbs, I totally adore your card in the posting above here!

Belated Happy WOYWW and hugs, Di xx

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Hi there Glenda ah yes am not fast either at cards of the careful sort but do make quickies sometimes too. love one above!
Thanks so much for popping over and thanks for sharing ~ happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz. x #1

Linda W. said...

Love your desk and your Wed. posts gf@

Anonymous said...

Naughty girl drinking Coke, lots of empty calories right there! Lecture over, lol! I take my time with cards too, most take a few hours, including thinking and planning. I like the cards you've posted since your WOYWW post. Our weather turned cold and it was trying to hail on us when we were putting our lights out!! Will finish decorating the inside this weekend.

Brenda 94

Linda W. said...

I'm going to join too! You've convinced me G!!