Thursday, April 1, 2010

Today is April.....

It is now late afternoon and I have been running in and out all day. I work a little here and then over here and oh wait....I really need to get this done. I'm just jumping from one thing to another. I've been working on the landscaped area in our front yard...very messy! Ivy growing everywhere and leaves left last Fall and the Fall before and maybe even before that. Well now at least I have some time on my hands and all these things that just went undone are now getting done.

I just noticed this afternoon that I'm coming up on my 400th visit to my I have to tell you, this little old woman in East Tennessee is so pleased about that. When I started this blog, I only expected one or two of my family members to visit and see what I have been doing. I actually have two followers and I couldn't be happier about that. I know this sounds so trivial to some of you but for me it is so amazing.....the power of the Internet just astounds me! So to all of you out there, wherever you are, thank you, thank you... and I'm so glad you are there!

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