Good morning! Yes we are up before the sun once more. At least we slept until 4 am. This picture of Max was taken this past Sunday. He is looking better each day. He looks stronger out of his eyes and is beginning to go out into the yard and walk around some. He is really loving all the attention too. I'm thinking he is just a little spoiled. He has become a camera hound. Maggie is doing a little better with allergies. Lost lots of sleep with this round, but i'm thinking we are turning the corner on this episode and no steroid shot this time. I'm hopeful it will frost soon and she can begin to get her hair back. Poor babies. Two sick animals at once is a lot to take on.
My husband is so far behind with work that I'm not sure he can get caught up. Its a good problem to have but it is wearing him out. My work is difficult at best but most everyone you talk to is goind through a lot at work too.....hard time all around. Well enough this morning. I am working on some Christmas Cards but it will be a couple of days before I can post. Please forgive any spelling errors this morning as I am typing with one eye open. Talk about sleep deprived...Have a blessed day!